We’d love to hear from you!
Click a link below to send us an email
- General enquiries: dreamcatchercoop@gmail.com
- Joining the co-op: joindreamcatcher@gmail.com
- Volunteering: dreamcatchervolunteerco@gmail.com
- Packing: cooppackers@gmail.com
We also have a facebook page for members.
Physical address
Windsor Park, 961 SH1, Te Horo
The co-op is open for members to collect orders from 3–6pm every Wednesday.
The co-op shares space with Windsor Park, but we are separate entities. If you are not yet a member, please get in touch by email rather than coming in to the shop.
You are welcome to visit Windsor Park shop in summer, when it is open to the public to sell delicious plums and berries.